When it comes to back pain, many people are confused. One person says do one thing, your doctor says do something different, and your friends say to try something else.
So today, I'd like to end the confusion with a question I recently received from a subscriber...
“I've spent hundreds of dollars trying to get rid of my back pain over the past few years. I've wasted my money on all kinds of gadgets, doctor visits, bulky equipment and pain pills.
I'm about to throw in the towel. My doctors say I just need a few more visits, so I go a few more times.
The pain continues.
I buy a machine online which says my pain will go away after using it.
The pain continues.
I buy a machine online which says my pain will go away after using it.
The pain continues.
Everything I try, the pain continues.
Everything I try, the pain continues.
I'm desperate, and hoping you have some kind of resource you can point me to that will help.”
My Response:
Thanks for the question. And thankfully I think I can help!
There's a breakthrough book on back pain out now by a great guy I know – Jesse Cannone. He's the owner and lead expert of the Healthy Back Institute and is the ONLY guy I trust when it comes to getting rid of any pain I'm having. His book has already touched the lives of over 150,000 worldwide.
Best part is – he's actually giving his book away on his website right now.
Here's why I love his book, The 7 Day Back Pain Cure...
Here's why I love his book, The 7 Day Back Pain Cure...
Most people try to sell you whatever their latest gadget or widget claims to help. Most doctors try to help, but as you've probably noticed... only give you temporary relief.
In Jesse's book, he explains WHY that is. Now I'm not the back pain expert like he is, so here's the short version:
Pain develops in your body through several sources. Some of those sources include the diet you're eating, your mental health, how much stress you're under, and other lifestyle factors.
But the one thing most people don't understand is how much the muscle imbalances in your body create the pain you're feeling.
This is something you've probably never heard before, but Jesse explains it all in his book. And hey... if nothing else is working... why not give the book a read? It's pretty short, and very readable. It only took me a few hours to finish it and it absolutely gave me the keys to handling my own pain issues.
Here are a few more reasons I LOVED his book.
#1 – Because his philosophy is based on a balanced approach, if you follow his advice you'll also notice that losing weight becomes much easier, you'll be happier, and even have more energy.
#2 – I don't know about you, but I hate reading boring books that seem to go on forever. I was shocked at how fast and easy I was able to read Jesse's book, because it was written in a very reader-friendly style.
#3 – At the end of the book, Jesse actually gives you his suggestion for WHICH back pain treatment will work best for YOU, depending on the condition you're suffering from. This section in itself is worth its weight in gold!
Anyway, all I can say is that I really hope you check it out. It's free, and it's a great book.
P.S. By the way, for every copy of The 7 Day Back Pain Cure that is given away, a donation is made to your choice of either Habitat For Humanity or Kiva.org! Help them help you help others.