I came across a brand new study that I think you, dear reader, will find fascinating - I sure did.
Recently published in The Lancet, a study at Keele University (located south of Liverpool, England) looked at 851 adults with back pain.* They wanted to know why 80% of these folks, with an average age of 50, still complained of back pain one year after visiting their doctor.
It turns out these patients were offered the same standardized back pain treatment when they visited their doctor for their back pain. You know; the “one size fits all” approach… painkillers, generic exercises, and general advice for self-treatment. (Sound familiar?)
Here’s where it gets interesting… When the researchers took a group of 568 of these study subjects and customized their back pain treatment, they saw marked improvement in their pain in as little as 4 months.
In other words, when they were given different options of back pain treatment appropriate to their individual needs, they finally found lasting pain relief. Options like specialized exercises, acupuncture, acupressure points, and even emotional approaches.
At the end of the study, 12 months later, what did they find? Not only did the study members enjoy substantially less back pain, they also reported that they functioned better on a daily basis, both physically and emotionally.
And you know what the real kicker was? After 12 months, those members who had gotten customized back pain treatment reported they were less fearful, less depressed, and in better general health!
You and I both know that no one approach works for everyone, even though traditional health care still wants us to believe that. Everyone’s situation is unique, including the cause of the back pain – and therefore what works to banish it for good also varies.
Back pain can occur for so many different reasons: Muscle imbalance… stress and negative emotions… sitting for too long… poor posture… sleeping wrong... Even the foods you eat every day can cause or aggravate back pain - all obviously requiring a more or less different back pain treatment to heal each case.
So if all these things – and more – can cause your back pain, doesn’t it make sense that you might need more than a “standardized approach” to get rid of it?
What if you had a whole selection of choices – a ‘smorgasbord’ of back pain treatment options? After all, what works for certain other men or women may not work for you.
The Healthy Back Institute has gathered their very best collection of back pain treatment tricks and put them together in a brand new report called 101 Back Pain Relief Tricks: Quick and Easy Ways to Finally Beat Back Pain!
For more than a decade the dedicated experts at the Healthy Back Institute have been helping back pain sufferers – over 200,000 of them in 85 different countries – find lasting relief. Believe me, they’ve learned a thing or two over the years (and they were already experts when they started the Institute.) And now they’re ready to pass on their wisdom to you because they know that no ONE approach helps EVERYone!
In 101 Back Pain Relief Tricks, you’ll discover secrets for both immediate relief and long-term healing. And best of all, what they share with you in this special report is simple, fast, and guaranteed to work. It even has about 50 or so videos included showing some of the tips and tricks being used in real life so that you're perfectly clear on how to apply whichever back pain treatment works for you.
You can tap into a couple of tips a day, or devour the entire
book in one weekend like I did. Either way, you’ll have plenty of proven options to test out in the privacy and convenience of your own home. Find out more about how you can finally beat your back pain - once and for all.
book in one weekend like I did. Either way, you’ll have plenty of proven options to test out in the privacy and convenience of your own home. Find out more about how you can finally beat your back pain - once and for all.
I know you’ve put up with your discomfort long enough. And you’re sick and tired of the “standardized approach” that your doctor keeps handing you. It’s time for a new option… or 101 of them, to be exact.
Be and become pain-free,
Jevaughn Brown
P.S. – If you’re like most people, you’ve probably dabbled with various back pain treatment that promised relief. Before you spend another dime for the newest potion, supplement, or pricey treatment that may or may not work for your pain, you owe it to yourself, your back, and your wallet to check this out first now.
*Management of low back pain in primary care: a new approach. The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 29 September 2011, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61033-7