Please read below a special message from my friend Jesse Cannone, co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute. He has some eye opening and important information to share with you my savvy reader.
Thank you,
Jevaughn Brown
Tired Of Chronic Aches and Pains?
Fast, Safe All Natural Pain Relief Is Here!
This may be the most powerful all-natural painkiller ever discovered?
A study published in The American Journal of Roentgenology found 80% of back pain sufferers had soft-tissue inflammation...
This is a critical point if you're suffering from any-type of back pain or sciatica because...
There are ONLY two basic physiological types of pain: tissue-pain and nerve-pain.
If you have a condition like sciatica, herniated disc, stenosis or scoliosis you probably suffer from BOTH types of pain. You have both tissue-pain caused by inflammation and this causes nerve-pain by exerting pressure on your nerves (sciatica is a very common example of this).
If you've injured your back the pain is almost all inflammation related: Because inflammation is your body's natural reaction to trauma. And in a minute I'll show you why your inflammation isn't going away like it did when you were younger.
First though, think about your own back pain for a second...
Do your back muscles hurt or ache? If so, your pain is definitely caused to some degree by inflammation. To get rid of your pain you'll have to first, get rid of the inflammation and second, get rid of any ongoing causes of inflammation.
Do you feel a lot of nerve pain? Things like shooting lines of pain, burning, numbness, and pinching tend to be nerve-pain. But guess what? Often the pressure and pinching of the nerve occurs because the surrounding tissue is inflamed and expanded!
That's why the study found soft-tissue inflammation in 80% of back pain sufferers. Because even pain caused by damage to nerves in your spine is often partly a result of inflammation in the surrounding tissue.
Here's why your pain won't go away...
As you get older your production of the enzymes that reduce your inflammation decrease, so your pain goes away slower, and slower as you age.
Remember spraining an ankle, or pulling a muscle during your 20s? You probably recovered in a couple of weeks or less. But the same injury now nags at you for months.
Your body just isn't dealing with inflammation as well as it used to... and if you don't reduce the inflammation the pain is just not going to go away.
Which, incidentally, is why our Lose The Back Pain System focuses on removing the underlying cause of weak back muscles and soft-tissue damage in the body caused by structural tension -- but I'm not here to talk about The Lose The Back Pain System today.
That's why most doctors will prescribe an anti-inflammatory when you have back pain. But none of us want to be stuck on prescription drugs all the time -- not to mention, prescription anti-inflammatories have a terrible record of putting people's lives at risk.
So we recommend an all-natural, safe anti-inflammatory supplement called Heal-n-Soothe that works so well, many folks write in to tell us it works much better than their prescriptions.
Here's what people are saying about Heal-N-Soothe:

From a very very grateful,
Angela Jaggs (England, UK)
"I am happy to report I no longer take Celebrex, once the only drug that would allow me to function 'normally' by blocking the pain. Heal-n-SootheTM reduces the inflammation to a point where I can now look forward to a productive day, plan trips and live with about 80% less pain." --Christine M. (Canada)

After about 2-3 days on the activation dose, I noticed reduced inflammation, and my pain in my leg reduced. I'm a believer that you 'Can't put a price on your health.'" --Dan Monahan, (England)
Heal-N-Soothe is a proteolytic enzyme formula that replaces the inflammation-fighting enzymes your body isn't producing enough of anymore...
The enzymes go right to the root of inflammation where the repair and regeneration of injured tissue takes place. It neutralizes the bio-chemicals that keep inflammation from going away...
And this means you can reduce the inflammation and pain naturally... without any of the side effects that are typical of medications.
Did you know the same natural anti-inflammation properties that deliver whole-body pain relief ALSO could fight Heart Attack, Stroke and Alzheimer's?

Plus, a study in The Annals of Neurology , the official journal of the American Neurological Association, concluded: "inflammation is linked to Alzheimer's and other degenerating diseases."
There is simply no doubt about it, tissue inflammation in your body is deadly. It's also one of the PRIMARY causes of pain in your body.
And if you are not doing anything to address inflammation in your body it will make your life miserable because every day you'll wake up with more aches and pains ... your back will hurt more and more as the months go by ... pain will become a bigger and bigger part of your life. And finally, inflammation could cause an early death.
But you when you're taking Heal-n-Soothe, you're fighting and reducing tissue inflammation throughout all of your body's systems ...
You're reducing inflammation in your muscles...
You're reducing inflammation in your arteries and blood vessels ...
You're reducing inflammation in tissue throughout your entire body!
Since it reduces pain and naturally fights the cause of 50% of heart-attacks ... fights a major contributing cause of stroke and Alzheimer's ...
But I don't want you to just take our word for it...
Let us send you a full, 90-count bottle for free - you just cover the small shipping fee
Excited yet? Click Here to Claim Your FREE Bottle!
Plus you're protected by our NO-RISK 100% FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!
We're here to help you get rid of your back pain. And because I've worked with literally tens of thousands of back-pain sufferers I KNOW Heal-N-Soothe works wonders for back pain.
But you might be skeptical -- and you have every right to be -- the only way to know for sure something will work for you is to try it. So grab your free bottle of Heal-N-Soothe today and feel the difference it makes in your life.
If for ANY reason at all you're not absolutely delighted with it, just return the unused bottle within 30 days for a FULL and COMPLETE REFUND. I think you'll agree that's a pretty fair deal.
Give or take a few, that's all I can offer right now. Most of my supply goes to our Heal-N-Soothe Smartship Program members who have requested to receive a bottle every month automatically...
But we received an extra large shipment recently so I'm extending this special offer to you if you want it. Once this supply is gone I may not have enough to give out to non-Smartship Members for quite a while.
So order your supply today to stop inflammation in its tracks and experience less day-to-day pain while fighting off serious dangers to your health...
If you want to get to the root of the unending pain you're enduring and FINALLY cool the "fires" of inflammation causing it, Click Here and Claim Your Own Free Bottle - while you can...
I can't wait to hear about your experience using Heal-n-Soothe...
Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRA, MF
The Healthy Back Institute
Peace and Victory over Pain

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