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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Revealed: The REAL Reason You Have Neck Pain...

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Last Chance to Join 201,578 People "Tapping" Their Troubles Away At This Amazing FREE Online Event
I have a really important "last chance" reminder for you…
You've probably heard about the 2011 Tapping World Summit from a dozen places by now.
Everyone is talking about it and with good reason...
This event teaches a phenomenal technique known as Emotional Freedom Techniques or "EFT" and it's
100% free to attend online.
Last year 130,981 people attended this event without paying a dime and received unbelievable information.
And this year there has already been over 200,000 new people register for the event which starts on February 21st.
But that's not what this reminder is about..
What you might not know is that because of the amazing feedback from the pre-event video series that featured Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton and Cheryl Richardson the producers of the event decided to do something really special…
They're making all three videos and the remaining 7 videos in the series available for viewing or download as a special bonus for those that upgrade to the special gold or platinum access for the event before the event starts.
So let me explain what that means…
The event itself is and always will be 100% free to attend during the 10 days of the event.
The producer of the event Nick Ortner always stresses that this event is first and foremost a free event that also has upgrade options for those that choose it.
So here's what an "upgrade option" means…
If you want to own the recordings, or the companion workbook, or the transcripts or any of the regular audio bonuses and the special pre-event video bonuses you'll need to upgrade to the gold access (all digital download) or the platinum access where you get the printed workbook and 22 CD's mailed to your door.
So what I want to remind you of today is simply about this upgrade option because of the special pre-event bonuses that disappear on the 21st…
These videos include over 7 hours of video with experts Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton, Cheryl Richardson, Joe Vitale, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Carol Look, Patricia Carrington, Carol Tuttle and Dawson Church.
They're all extremely powerful videos that are worth watching.
And since there's a six month money back guarantee there is zero risk involved in upgrading today.
To learn more about the this upgrade option (and to register for the event if you haven't yet) just click on the link below:
Whether you decide to upgrade or not I want you to consider one important recommendation…
Please make sure to at least attend the event online when it starts on February 21st. EFT is a powerful technique that can have a life-altering impact on your life but it's up to you to show up at the event.
I look forward to "seeing" you there. :)
Peace and Victory,
P.S. - Here is some of the feedback from last year's event just to give you an idea of what people thought…
"What a wonderful ten days! I need to tap on withdrawals from missing the interviews. Jessica was a fabulous interviewer, asking just what I wanted to know at the right time."
-Suzanne Wright - Oregon, USA
"I hope you guys can somehow hear the thunderous applause that is surely circling the world for you right now. This was a DYNAMITE event, and this grand finale with Jessica today was just fantastic. You guys are the absolute best, you have given phenomenal gifts here with each presentation, and may you receive a thousand blessings in return. EFT has never come alive for me the way you've made it do in these last ten days. I am very, very grateful, and yes, I will keep tapping and will tell you what lights come on, what doors open in the coming months."
~With much love, Natasha Suter - Ithaca, New York
"This trip has been amazing. I am so thankful that you gave me the opportunity to be a part of this, and I will continue to tap – and maybe take an education in EFT later on. Fantastic. A few weeks ago I tapped on hip pain, and it disappeared within a couple of minutes!!? Every session have been useful to me, and I will look more into it (I have written it all down) when I finish my education in September. Jessica's 40 day tapping challenge will be done. Her “mystery bonus audio” was a special experience. It helped me see a lot of experiences/feelings to tap on."
~ Merete - Bodø, Norway
"OMG! That summit was amazing! I just wanted to say thank you, thank you! I knew about EFT from when I was in LA but I now know so much more and I had ah-ha moments almost everyday! especially the one series about Highly Sensitive People- which I found out I am and have been beating myself up about it forever! Now I know how to tap for it and realize its a blessing to be so connected to my feelings and intuition!
"I loved, loved, loved the whole series! you are so kind to put all of this information out there and for free- I know this is huge for me and for the world! I can sense huge changes a-brewing! I kinda miss it already! Tell Jessica I am doing the 40 day challenge...this is exciting...who knows where I will be in 40 days! Thank you again!"
~ Love, Christine en route to New York City, NY USA

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts Part 3
“Bodybuilding Sins” That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts Part 3
(Courtesy of Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS and Steve Hefferon, CMT)
Welcome to article number 3 in our series “Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts”. In this article we are going to talk about how bodybuilders tend to create massive muscle imbalances and what you can do to not be one of them.
- Article #1 - Choosing The WRONG Exercises
- Article #2 - Training Variations for Pain Relief and Maximum Results
- Article #3 - Targeted Stretching (Below)
- Increased stress / wear and tear from the ankles all the way up the spine
- Weakens the hamstrings, inhibits normal functioning and increases the likelihood of hamstring pulls
- Creates excess curvature in the lower and middle spine

Thursday, February 10, 2011
A Pattern Of Overwhelm In Life...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The #1 Thing That Keeps You From Getting Results (Free Video)
If you're like me I'm guessing you've spent a lot of time learning techniques on how to improve your life.
But I have a simple question to ask you…are you implementing everything you learn and getting the results that you want?
If you're not then I think you should watch this revealing *free* video with personal coaching pioneer Cheryl Richardson about the #1 thing that locks fear, anxiety and an inability to take positive action into place…
I think the powerful and easy to implement steps she outlines in the video to overcome this major block can help you to take some serious action to help you move forward in your life.
Cheryl Richardson is a best-selling author of 5 books who has appeared on shows like The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America and The Today Show.
This video is the 3rd in the free Tapping World Summit Video series that has been released over the last week.
Over 120,000 people have watched the first two videos with experts Jack Canfield and Bruce Lipton.
There are also nearly 3,000 comments of praise and appreciation for the amazing videos on the blog that is hosting them.
I think that what is going on with this video series and the upcoming 2011 Tapping World Summit is something very special and unique that is worth checking out.
Enjoy the video with Cheryl and if you haven't yet seen the videos with Jack Canfield and Bruce Lipton make sure to watch those also...
Here's the link again:
P.S. - I want to emphasize that this is one of the most valuable events you''ll ever attend online. I highly recommend you check out what's going on here as this event only happens once per year…

Lower Back Pain and Golf by Dr. R. Duvall, DPT, ATC, MGFI

Monday, February 7, 2011
Must-See Video On the Power of Beliefs Over Your Health & Success with Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist who has spent years studying how our thoughts effect us in all areas of life.
His scientific studies are so shocking and revealing and have such wide ranging ramifications that the established communities have gone to great lengths to keep them hidden, especially the medical community.
Bruce Lipton has out-right said that the majority of medical studies done today are inaccurate and misleading and he has the proof to show why.
If you're ready for some mind blowing information on how your thoughts effect all areas of your life then I highly suggest watching this video:
Here are a few of the things that he discusses in the video:
-Why positive thinking is not enough to change your life (And what he says does work)
-How the unconscious programming you received in childhood is effecting you today (And what you can do about the programs that aren't serving you)
-The one simple belief that traditional medicine is based on that is 100% false.
This video is guaranteed to be one of the most eye opening videos you'll see all year.
P.S. - This video is part of the free Tapping World Summit Video series being released over the next few days leading up to this enormous event starting on Feb. 21st (Last year over 100,000 people attended this event online)
If you missed the first video with Jack Canfield on how your past traumas and negative emotions may be keeping you from attracting what you want in life you'll get access to that video as well when you see this one. Both are very powerful...
Watch Them At: http://sciaticstretches.blogspot.com/Bruce_Lipton

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup For The Soul Reveals His #1 Success & Wellbeing Secret (Free Video)
People like Dr. Joseph Mercola, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Cheryl Richardson, Bruce Lipton, pretty much all of the best and brightest in the personal development world have said they support it.
As Bob Proctor says in the film The Tapping Solution "People are starting to understand themselves as an energy field. And the fact that they can work with it to get the results they want."
And these experts aren't just saying they support EFT, they're saying that they use it on a regular basis and have had results with it.
Which is why I want to share a video with you today with Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and featured expert in the hit film "The Secret" where he talks specifically about EFT:
In the video Jack reveals some really eye opening insights as to why he thinks EFT is so critical to use, especially when working with the Law of Attraction.
He also explains how he has used EFT in his own life and how he recommends you use it to get exactly what you want in life.
This video is one of a series of videos being released leading up to the 2011 Tapping World Summit.
This is a huge online event that happens once a year that is not only the biggest yearly event in the EFT community but also one of the biggest and most popular events that happens in the entire personal development world.
Over 100,000 people attended this event online in 2010 and over 81,000 people attended in 2009. And this year... they’re expecting over 200,000 people!
This is definitely not a regular event. It's 100% content and the best part is... it's free.
Attending this event is one of the most life changing things a person can do for themselves... so I hope you decide to check it out.
It starts on the 21st of February so in the meantime, I suggest watching this great video with Jack Canfield. :)
You can watch it now by clicking right here.
P.S. – I think Jack pretty much sums up how powerful EFT is and what he thinks about it with this great line in the video:
"The only advice I would have for somebody thinking about EFT would be do it. There's nothing to lose. It's so fast. It's such a powerfully quick process."
Click to watch the Jack Canfield video