When it comes to pain relief, most people turn first to their medicine cabinet. But most people also have more than one pain reliever to choose from. There are so many options—Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, good old aspirin and all sorts of generic and prescription alternatives.
The question is: which bottle should you reach for when your back pain flares up? That's not always an easy question to answer. As with all medicines, every type of pain reliever has benefits and risks. Plus, specific types of pain may respond better to one kind of medication than to another kind. And everyone reacts differently to different meds. What takes away your pain might not work for someone else.
So, how do you choose? First, you can review the pros and cons of each.
Over-The-Counter Pain Medicines
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are good for many types of pain. There are basically two types of OTC medicines:
1. Acetaminophen (common brand: Tylenol).
PROS: Acetaminophen is a non-aspirin pain reliever, so it may be easier on your stomach than aspirin. It is also safer for children. It can be used to lower a fever and soothe headaches and other common aches and pains, including back pain.
CONS: Acetaminophen does not reduce swelling (inflammation). It can be harmful to the liver if you take more than the recommended dose.....
Read the rest of this article here.
Peace and Victory Over Pain,
Jevaughn Brown
Get The 7-Day Back Pain Cure FREE: http://bit.ly/6hMUVH
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