The following is an excerpt from “The Back Pain Guide”...
Eight Pain Reducers For Faster Pain Relief
Ways to deal with the pain while you’re starting your personalized treatment program
I've learned over the years after working with and helping over 50,000 back-pain sufferers, with every condition known to medicine and major traumatic injuries, that there are three things back-pain sufferers need to address to live pain free:
1. You need to learn how to reduce acute pain quickly when it flares up.
2. You need to get rid of the underlying root cause of pain (this goes deeper than simply fixing a diagnosed back condition as you'll see in a few minutes)
3. You need to address the emotional and mental factors that increase
For some people the only treatment they ever need is the muscle balance therapy system we give you in Lose The Back Pain, for other, more severe cases, muscle balance therapy gets them 90% of the way and they need to try a handful of additional treatments to live pain free.
I'll explain how muscle imbalances and physical dysfunctions are a major contributor and cause of back pain in the second section of this guide.
But first I want to go over several pain-reduction strategies and treatments for acute pain that you can use right now to start feeling better, faster.
One big word of caution: Don't overlook the simple things.
Over and over again I've found that people suffer through chronic pain needlessly because they aren't taking good basic care of their bodies. And some of the fastest reductions in pain can come from something as simple as strategy number three below.
Pain Reducer One:
The FIRST THING you MUST do if you have back pain is to control inflammation in your body. Here's why:
Studies have shown inflammation is the #1 cause of pain in your body. Now, let me make this clear. Inflammation is NOT the underlying cause of all of your back pain – but it IS the major mechanism in your body that causes you to experience pain.
•You have tissue inflammation if you have upper or lower back pain ...
•You have tissue inflammation if you have serious back conditions like upper and lower back pain, sciatica pain, herniated discs, scoliosis, arthritis or other conditions ...
•And you have tissue inflammation if you've injured your back in an accident, playing sports, or through a lifetime of hard, physical work …
•Every part of your body where you feel pain in your muscles you can be pretty sure you have tissue inflammation …
Inflammation is the #1 pain-causing mechanism in your body. So the first thing I recommend you do if you want to quickly get rid of your acute pain is to cut down the excess inflammation in your body. Then we can start to address the underlying causes of your back pain.
A new back-pain study published in The American Journal of Roentgenology found 80% of back-pain sufferers experienced soft-tissue inflammation in and around their spine.
This is a critical point if you're suffering from any type of back pain. Because there are ONLY two basic physiological types of pain: tissue-pain and nerve-pain.
•If you have a back condition you probably suffer from BOTH types of pain. If you have sciatica, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, scoliosis or some other condition your pain is probably “mixed pain”.
You have BOTH tissue-pain caused by inflammation in your muscles and soft-tissue that causes nerve-pain by exerting pressure on your nerves (sciatica is a perfect example of this).
•If you injured your back the pain you’re feeling is almost all inflammation related. Because inflammation is your body's natural reaction to trauma. And at the age of 25 your body started to slow production of the enzymes that fight inflammation – which is why when you sprained your ankle at 15 it healed in a couple of weeks but at 45 it can take months to heal.
First though, think about your own back-pain for a second.
•Do your back muscles hurt? If so, your pain is definitely caused to some degree by inflammation. To get rid of your pain you'll have to first, get rid of the inflammation and second, get rid of any ongoing causes of inflammation.
•Do you feel a lot of nerve-pain? Things like, shooting lines of pain, burning, numbness, pinching tend to be nerve-pain. But guess what? Often the pressure and pinching of the nerve is because the surrounding tissue is inflamed and expanded!
That's why the study found soft-tissue inflammation in 80% of back-pain sufferers. Because even when your pain is caused by damage to nerves in your spine some of the pain you feel is a result of inflammation in the surrounding tissue.
To get lasting pain relief you need to address the things in your body causing your muscle-related pain and causing your nerve-related pain.....
To learn more about HOW to eliminate inflammation pain, as well the other 7 pain reducers and much more, download your FREE copy right here of The Back Pain Guide, no strings attached.
Peace and Victory Over Pain,
Jevaughn Brown
Jevaughn Brown

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