Here Are Just A FEW Of The Gems You Will Discover In This Guide...
* The Personalized Back Pain Self Assessment Test

Discover Effective Sciatica Stretches and Sciatica Exercises plus Pain Treatments for All Kinds of Back Pain, Nerve Pain, Neck Pain, Arthritis, And More
When it comes to pain relief, most people turn first to their medicine cabinet. But most people also have more than one pain reliever to choose from. There are so many options—Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, good old aspirin and all sorts of generic and prescription alternatives.
The question is: which bottle should you reach for when your back pain flares up? That's not always an easy question to answer. As with all medicines, every type of pain reliever has benefits and risks. Plus, specific types of pain may respond better to one kind of medication than to another kind. And everyone reacts differently to different meds. What takes away your pain might not work for someone else.
So, how do you choose? First, you can review the pros and cons of each.
Over-The-Counter Pain Medicines
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are good for many types of pain. There are basically two types of OTC medicines:
1. Acetaminophen (common brand: Tylenol).
PROS: Acetaminophen is a non-aspirin pain reliever, so it may be easier on your stomach than aspirin. It is also safer for children. It can be used to lower a fever and soothe headaches and other common aches and pains, including back pain.
CONS: Acetaminophen does not reduce swelling (inflammation). It can be harmful to the liver if you take more than the recommended dose.....
Read the rest of this article here.
Peace and Victory Over Pain,
Jevaughn Brown
Get The 7-Day Back Pain Cure FREE:
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Back Pain? Sciatica? Neck Pain?
The Ugly Truth About Back Pain
Here’s a little-known fact. The real cause of the pain is almost always overlooked.
Most doctors only treat the symptoms. They use “band-aid” treatments like:
• Cortisone shots
• Dangerous drugs
• Physical therapy
• Surgery
• Chiropractic manipulation
These may work. When they do, it’s almost never long-term.
It’s not until you treat the “hidden” underlying causes that you get lasting pain relief.
Our friends at the Healthy Back Institute have agreed to offer our readers and customers a FREE copy of their breakthrough audio program “The Complete Healing Formula For Back Pain”.
This 2-CD audio program sells on their website every day for $79 and is hands down the best resource we have ever come across for beating back pain.
Medical doctors and Chiropractors are finally catching on and using their method as a treatment with their back pain patients. The results are nothing short of impressive.
Jerry Talisman of Carlsbad California claims: "50 Years of Chronic Back Pain and Sciatica Gone in Just Days!" And tens of thousands of others are reporting similar success using this "formula"...
If you suffer from any kind of back, neck or sciatic pain, I highly suggest you click here to request your FREE copy of this audio right away!
Peace and Victory Over Pain,
Jevaughn Brown
The Complete Healing Formula For Back Pain
“What exercises should you avoid if you have back pain?
The short answer is: all of them until you identify what physical dysfunctions are contributing to your pain. Why? Because unless you understand which dysfunctions are contributing to or causing your back pain any exercises you do
can make the problem worse.
In the free guide found here you'll find instructions going over the basic assessment you'll need to do (it's easy) to identify some of the underlying “hidden” causes of your back
Obviously, exercising is a critical part of living a healthy life. But if you're in a lot of pain you need to slow down or even stop exercising for a while as you identify the underlying contributing causes to your pain.
Basically, the first rule of dealing with back-pain is the same as the first rule of medicine:
“Do No Harm.”
The muscle imbalances and dysfunctions contributing heavily to the pain your body is experiencing developed over the years based on your activities … which muscles you naturally favor when you move … what sports you played over the
years … what injuries you sustained in the past … how you sit …. where you feel pain in your body and more.
Until you identify exactly which muscle imbalances you have you can't tell which activities you're doing are contributing the most to your pain or which activities could be helping reduce your pain.
Exercising improperly for your particular body and dysfunction could very easily make you hurt more. That's one reason we offer the Lose the Back Pain system on a 100% RISK FREE basis – so you can do a FULL assessment to correctly identify your own dysfunctions and get a personalized treatment plan for fixing them...
To learn more about choosing the personalized exercises, sciatic stretches and more that you'll need to heal YOUR particular case of sciatica, back pain, etc, go now to this Pain Relief Advisory.
Peace and Victory Over Pain,
Jevaughn Brown
Follow me on Twitter:
Lose Your Back Pain Here:
Get The 7-Day Back Pain Cure:
The first step to healing is always understanding. On that note here's a video with Back Pain and Sciatica Expert Jesse Cannone explaining the four things that cause sciatica, and how to get relief from the pain. Hope you get a lot out of it like I did.
So now you know the 4 causes of sciatica. Now that we know the real sources of it, it's possible to go forward into actual, lasting pain relief. From the same experts who provided the video you just watched comes this absolutely free guide on how to wipe out sciatica Fast.
Learn what WORKS to heal this awful condition - permanently: Get your personal copy of the FREE Sciatica Advisory here.
Peace and Victory Over Pain,
Jevaughn Brown
If you or a loved one is affected by sciatica, you're going to love this FREE video. Watch as Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT, Co-Founder of The Healthy Back Institute demonstrates an easy, simple stretch that can eliminate sciatic nerve pain in mere seconds. Go see the video now right here.
Along with the video, check out the free copy of The Healthy Back Institute's Sciatica Advisory: "Eliminate Your Sciatica in Just Days" that comes with it.
Jevaughn Brown