Get off the NSAID Train! Go for Drug-Free Relief Instead
Courtesy of Dr. Mark Wiley, David Levine and Steve Hefferon
Chronic pain is persistent, long-lasting discomfort that doesn't resolve itself or respond to routine pain-relief methods. Clearly, despite their arsenal of elaborate and costly hi-tech medical procedures, doctors cannot diagnose how to stop this growing national health emergency.
Today more than 150 million Americans suffer chronic pain. This amounts to a whopping 100% increase in just a dozen years! How is it possible, with our modern scientific mainstream medicine, that people are suffering more, not less?
When it comes to pain relief, most people turn first to their medicine cabinet and have more than one pain reliever on hand to choose from. It's as if while we were children we hopped aboard the NSAID Train, and the pain relief destination was never reached. There are so many options along the way... and yet none of them are healthy. Let's look at why.
Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
COX-2 Inhibitors
Narcotics Painkillers
When experiencing pain and deciding whether or not to reach for OTC or RX drugs, remember that pain is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is...Drugs Don't Heal!
If you are still in pain from a recent injury, or are suffering chronic pain, then you know the Golden Rule of Pain: Drugs don't fix the problem, they only mask the symptoms. And pain is a symptom, not the problem.
Pain relief medications should only be used temporarily, if needed. The more natural and preventive approach is to understand the pain problem, and take proactive approaches to relieving pain and preventing new pain. And there are so many options for pill-free pain relief to choose from. None better than healthy lifestyle choices.
Maintain a healthy weight
Get better sleep
Relax more often to lower stress levels
Exercise on a regular basis
Manual therapies aid relief
Seek alternative practitioners
Use natural Homeopathic remedies
In the end, what is important is that you give up your reliance on prescription and over-the-counter pain drugs. They do more long-term harm than short-term good, and should only be used in emergencies. Making the necessary and correct lifestyle changes will do much more to provide lasting pain relief, but putting you into a life of prevention... which is always the best medicine!
His doctor gave him several prescription medicines but nothing helped. Pain was ruining his life. When Dan saw an ad for this natural pain reliever, he was skeptical. How could this product work when every prescription his doctor gave him hadn't? But he decided to give it a try. Let Dan tell you what happened:
"Was I pleasantly surprised! After only 2 to 3 days on the activation dose, I noticed reduced inflammation and less pain in my leg."
After just three weeks, Dan started walking again. This all natural product worked for Dan when all of his prescription drugs hadn't. You can relieve your constant, burning pain when prescription drugs no longer work — just like Dan did — with Heal-n-Soothe™.
That's because Heal-n-Soothe™ works differently than prescription drugs. Here's how:
Prescription drugs reduce inflammation by switching off important compounds your body needs. Many are vital to your health. Eventually, you may need more drugs to get the same relief. Or worse, you experience dangerous side effects caused by drugs that are supposed to help you feel better.
Heal-n-Soothe™ works with nature by adding more of the enzymes that naturally reduce inflammation. With Heal-n-Soothe™, your body has everything it needs to repair and renew your muscles and joints. You have less pain as a result - with no life threatening side effects.
So if you're in constant pain and prescription drugs no longer help, don't wait another second: Click here to ease your pain and cool inflammation with Heal-n-Soothe™!